ICCS-EM Regional Coucil 2022
From November 11 to 13, 2022, national scout associations met in Brussels for the International Catholic Conference of Scouting – Europe-Mediterranean (ICCS-EM) Regional Council.
On the first day of the council, member associations joint together in an informal way to discuss about challenges currently faced by our region. After a treasure hunt game, the associations reflected on the strategic plan 2019-2025 and rose new points to the discussion. After dinner, a regional fair and a camp fire were held where members presented some initiatives on catholic scouting and ideas of cooperation.
The second day of the regional meeting was the formal council itself. It was a full day of work, in which 15 member associations were represented. The committee report and financial balance were discussed and approved. Then, a triennial plan and budget was discussed and suggestions were received, before final approval. At the end of the day, a new regional committee was elected: Rui Teixeira (as Chair), Michael Van Craen (as Vicechair) and Daniele Beretta (as Treasurer).
The third day started with a time for subregional working group, in which moderators mediated the discussion regarding specific topics and initiatives to be held in each subregion. To end the weekend, a solemn mass was held in Brussels co-cathedral of S. Michael and S. Gudula. The late departing elements took the opportunity to make a visit to the European Quartier and the European institutions which deepened knowledge about culture and cand a sense of belonging to the European citizenship.
This Regional Council was felt as a success for reuniting so many member associations after a long and difficult pandemic time. We hope it was also a time for promoting ICCS-EM strength and will to collaborate in the next three years.