Lent 2020
Dearest friends in Scouting and Guiding,
The period of the Lent is bringing to us each year new challenges. It is not only a time of fasting and waiting for the
Easter – biggest celebrations in the catholic faith, but also time for us as scouts and guides to think about what we
are doing, why we are doing that, why are we scouts/guides? How we as scouts and guides are helping Jesus to
bear the cross?
This year, we are proposing to you to pray during the lentent time the Way of the Cross. Each station contains the
Jesus´s reflection of the station, reflection for you as scout/guide as well as reading from the Gospel and reflection
of Pope Francis in the light of the encyclic “Laudato Si”.
We hope you can use this “tool” not only during the time of the Lent, but also within other scout and guide events
throughout the year.
Yours in Christ and Scouting and Guding,
February 2020
ICCS-EM Regional Committee ICCG-E Regional Team