Youth Network
Following its presentation last Seminar, in Antwerp, ICCS-EM launched a Youth Network.
The ICCS-EM Youth Network is a young people, both rovers (above 18 years old) and young leaders (maximum 30 years old), pool that will be in close contact with Regional Committee, in which they are not supposed to be formal representatives of their associations.
The objectives of this network are:
- To contribute to a deeper ICCS knowledge and spirit, namely among young people;
- To constitute a Consultancy Pool to the Regional Committee;
- To become an additional and informal publicizing channel of ICCS-EM initiatives;
- To promote the sharing of experiences, good practices and tools;
- To promote the ICCS-EM volunteers’ network, namely its updated needs.
This network will be composed by:
- Young people participating in ICCS-EM activities;
- Young people appointed by their associations and/or committee members.
Admission of a young person to the network will always depend on his/her association knowledge and endorsement.
The network will be permanently active through this Facebook closed group